Low tide in the Avon-Heathcote Estuary
It has been another brilliant day today. We've spent most of it in the garden. Satisfying activities such as spreading mulch that we've made ourselves from cut vegetation, and moving rocks around from the places where we've stockpiled them to use for edging round our rough, strimmed paths. It's a sort of reverse entropy, creating order from disorder, and feels good.
The birds soon destroy all our good work with the mulch, as they dig and poke their way around in it, gradually shifting it downhill. (Our garden is on a hill slope). The rocks generally stay put, although after the earthquake we spent weeks rebuilding dry stone walls that had collapsed. There are still a few small sections of stone steps that we need to work on. One day.
This picture was taken on our morning walk to the top of Mt Pleasant, looking down on the Estuary. Our house is not quite visible off to the left of the upper part of the built up area.
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