KWVR Steam Gala Weekend.

Oh the steam trains have been showing off at Keighley Worth Valley Railway this weekend - and today I walked the pleasant but very muddy footpath, parallel to the trainline from Haworth to Oxenhope.  
I fell over in the mud twice, why DO I keep doing that!  Second time I fell in a bramble bush and proceeded to do my dying fly act, trying to get the brambles off me.  When I composed myself I saw a chap and I asked him if he'd seen me fall.  No he said .... but I did see you in a bush with your legs kicking in the air.... oh!  (Errrrr hello - damsel in distress!) Anyway we walked to Oxenhope together and he told me wonderful tales of his lifelong love of steam engines and how he once made an offer of £10,000 to buy Ingrow station, when it was in Colne and subsequently bought by KWVR and moved brick by brick to Ingrow.
I could waffle on a while, but here is a lovely volunteer at Oxenhope station - posing just for me, after having walked the length of the platform to ask me if I was getting on the train! :)  

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