twinned with trumpton


Plan B.

#2 son was no' weel. So I got #1 son for the day (apparently he'd had a boring Saturday on you tube, with Minecraft and the rugby - sounds about perfect to me!)

So we carried on with the bbq plan but knocked out the John Muir Trail walk bit.

We grabbed firewood from the lower slopes of the Granton Alps and headed out to E Lothian; we had considered West Barns, but ended up at North Berwick. Managed to start a fire pn the beach, out the wind, and soon enough had sausages, chicken and pepper skewers, and some prawns in lime / garlic / chilli on the go.

Bit of sunshine and roaring fire to keep the cold at bay; on;y 45 seconds of rain and we spent about 90 mins around the fire. Big big smiles!

Back to town for 3; did some jobs at hers and then #1 son back for 5.

Smelling heavily of bonfire, I had shower and change of clothing and then out to the Starbank to meet him and her for a couple of pints and a small brainstorming session.
Fire exit, Asda, Dunbar

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