Griffin Greats

A brilliant day. After breakfast we walked to Casino Square where the fleet of Vauxhall cars modern and classic were lined up opposite the casino, ready for our road trip to Geneva. The wonderful roads of the Route Napoleon snaking up towards Grenoble beckoned for today's drive.

My co-driver and I shared a Vauxhall Adam Grand Slam from Monaco to the coffee stop at Entrevaux, an Insignia Tourer from there to the lunch venue at Dignes-les-Bains, a 1975 Mark 1 Cavalier from lunch to an afternoon change-over point near Gap, and a Mokka from there to our overnight hotel near Grenoble.

More cars tomorrow on route to Geneva. This road trip is called Griffin Greats and it's a great opportunity to review new models and remember older ones. It is giving us lots to write about.

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