
By HelenM6636

Monday morning blues until......

...... I had a message from J and R before I left for work.  They are having a fabulous time and have just spent two days in Able Tasman National Park Kayaking through the Tonga Island Marine Reserve where they saw a pod of over 100 common and bottle nose dolphins, one blue penguin floating in the water and lots of NZ fur seals and pups.  They were told that the dolphins were rear in that part of NZ and they first thought that the guides said that to all tourists but it turned out to be the talk of the town!  The dolphins swan around and under their kayak and were jumping out of the water - what an experience for them. 

Can't wait for tonight as they are going to face time.  They have been gone two weeks and I am starting to really miss them as they have usually returned by now!  Coops keeps going to their room to look and goes to the door when a van goes past.  I'm sure he misses them more than me.

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