Selfie kiss
A very blustery day.
Owl: This is just a mild spring zephyr compared to the big wind of '67. Or was it, uh, '76? Oh, well, no matter. Oh, I remember the big blow well.
Piglet: I'll remember this one, too.
Owl: It was the year my Aunt Clara went to visit her cousin. Now, her cousin was not only gifted on the glockenspiel, but being a screech owl, also sang soprano in the London Opera.
Winnie the Pooh: [muffled, with a honey pot in his face] Thank you, Piglet.
Owl: You see, her constant practicing so unnerved my aunt, that she laid a seagull egg by mistake. Whoooooooo!
[his dishes crash on him as his house crashes to earth]
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