Skylight, St. Elisabeth Hospital, Tilburg

India album update ... Datia

Drove (with) hubby this morning to his appointment at St. Elisabeth's in Tilburg -- his first meeting with an allergy specialist to determine what exactly he's allergic to.  We already know he has problems with polyester, viscuous fabrics and some plastics (he can't wear his hearing aid or dentures properly because of this), so having a specialist put it in writing should make it official and pave the way for other specialists to suggest alternatives.  I went with him because it's mostly glorious to go anywhere with him (I said 'mostly') but also because I hadn't been to Tilburg in ages and wondered if I could shoot anything either to or from.  I ended up shooting 'in' -- the hospital has some wonderful skylighted areas and looks more like a cozy airport and mall than a hospital; that is, until, of course, you start to enter the various medical departments, where it was actually just as cozy but then less 'shoppy'.

Later, we both went to the physio, separate this time but it's the same physio (her office, too, has a relaxing skylight).  My arms seem to be improving movement-wise but going nowhere pain-wise.  It appears I need to find 'the' balance (does that really exist?) between continuing with the daily movements and not irritating the tendons, which will amount to a tightrope mixture of work-rest-work-rest-work-rest-etc.  I have a valid excuse now to sit down more often and do almost nothing.

Looks like I've joined Mono Monday ...

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