My blips are getting more desperate. Tonight a Google Maps shot of where we will be on Thursday afternoon, searching for a new home.
I woke early and contemplated going swimming but it was so cold! Busy day at work during which I( managed to get about 10% of what i needed done done.
Then there was a call from G about #2 son who hadn't quite made it to where he should be. they should tell you these things in the maternity ward, or before. they don't. #1 son could be a worry too, if i let it. But I've resolved and rationalised yesterday's little issue but seriously weird, and worrying in a different way. (I'll read this drivel in a year and not have a clue what I'm going on about).
It was 6 before I left the office and it was snowing. I put out some recycling later and there was this funny white stuff on top of the box.
#3 son made tea - sausage and mash. Mmm, comfort food. #2 son has a bashed head. I made soup for the morrow and tried to reconcile C's accounts. No chance there. So I did my own and blipped a really boring blip.
So glad it's March.
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