
By Thepainterswife

Estuary birds...

Not a great photo, but I have been wanting to get down to the estuary near where we live for ages and get some shots.

At the moment there is a pair (or more maybe) or Royal Spoonbills, the big white heron looking birds. They are amazing to see , and when they feed they scoop along the waters edge with their big round ended bills.
So I went down there this afternoon and saw the Spoonbills right near the edge, perfect for me to get them clearly....then a man drove and parked next to me on the gravel and they got a fright and flew off!

I will go down again and have another try soon.
In the meantime it is a pic of two Shags and a Seagull!
Actually I was reading that the Spoonbills like to be near a Shag colony, so it makes sense that they are all in the same area at the moment.

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