Arrived today

Planned a midday run today. However, S received a phone call from Young L's school at morning interval. Just as she was about to leave for her yoga session. The poor lad was feeling very sick and could we pick him up. Of course I could collect him. He didn't appear too bad at that point.

Then his temperature went higher and he threw up his breakfast from four or more hours before, and all he wanted to do was lie around, poor chap. After a long sleep, and another throw, he has perked up considerably. Now we just need to get him to replace his water loss. 

Instead of a run, I went for a walk along Ponsonby Road this evening. In Western Park I saw someone reading. I approached her and introduced myself and explained briefly about Blipfoto, and that one of my "series" is of people reading books. She asked a few questions and gave her consent to have me take her photograph. When shown it, she was happy enough with it.

Reader:   Morgan, from Vancouver (Canada)
Book:      The Fellowship of the Ring, JRR Tolkien
Place:      Western Park, by Ponsonby Road
Refreshment:  Water

She explained that as this is her first day in Auckland, she decided to spend a quiet time reading in the park. She intends to tour around New Zealand for about a month; I wished her a happy time.

She then asked me what is the name of the site, so I told her again and said that my Journal name is While on my runs.

It wasn't until I was back and S asked me if she was intending to visit the various sites in NZ where the Lord of the Rings was filmed, that it occurred to me. She did tell me that she had read the books before, and I still didn't click

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