My Long Term Memory

By marinakari

Patient Data Repository

I had educational work day today. Small group from our Clinic went to Helsinki to learn about Patient Data Repository,  national electronic patient record system  at private healthcare  sector.

Most of Public Health care system  has already started to load data in system  and we at private sector will be join in soon as IT - systems are built. It is a huge task, it will take many years. We are living interesting times :) 
The Patient Data Repository is a healthcare service data system in active use, which is used via a patient records system. It allows centralised electronic archiving of patient records and long-term storage of the data. The archive plays a central role in passing information between healthcare organisations and operational units. The patient records are archived in a technically uniform format, which enables the transferability of the data from one system to another and improves the accessibility of information in operational units involved in the patient's care.
The Patient Data Repository is a service in which healthcare units enter patient records from their own data systems in a secure way. The Patient Data Repository is being constructed in stages, and therefore the information will accumulate in the archive gradually, as use of the archive becomes more widespread.

The Patient Data Repository offers citizens the opportunity of examining their own medical records on their computer, easily and regardless of time and place. Citizens will also benefit from the national service as they move around different parts of the country, or when they needs services from other healthcare specialists in addition to their own familiar service provider. 

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