Whitefriars Cottages
These little cottages nestle under the shadow of the spire of St John's Church in Halesowen. First records of them seem to be in 1325 but most of them seem to date from the sixteenth century. The exact history of them seems to be unclear and I was always told when I was young that they were Nailmakers' cottages. They look a bit too grand to be that to me, but I am struggling to find out about the details. They are definitely some of the most picturesque buildings left in the town which suffered horrendously at the hands of 1960s planners. Fortunately the owner of these cottages then managed to save them from Redevelopment although they have an awful eyesore of a car park right in front of them.
Progress? I think not.
Talking of progress - this is my first Blip using my new phone. My first present to myself in my Birthmonth...
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