Very annoying?!!!

Most of you will know that Ozzy, my very gorgeous golden retriever boyfriend, is staying with me for a few days.  He is the most handsome boy I know and I’m very proud to be his girlfriend.

……………But I am sooooo, soooo annoyed.  Do you want to know why?

This is what happened………………………..

This afternoon we went to the beach for a play.  The tide was almost all the way in and we had a lovely time splishing and splashing and sploshing in the sea.  There were only two other lots of people on the beach and do you know what? ………………………….

 ……………….Both of them made a beeline to Ozzy and said, ‘Oh what a lovely dog. Isn’t he handsome. What’s his name. How old is he. What a lovely colour he is. How long have you had him?’  And then they stroked him and made a huge fuss of him.

And I just got ignored. Duh!!!

It is very, very, annoying.  I know I’m not a proper pedigree dog (I’ve got spaniel ears & spaniel eyes) but when I’m not with Ozzy I’m always getting told how pretty I am.  When Ozzy is around, it’s like I’m invisible???

Anyway, that’s my rant for today. 

 ………………It's just as well I love him.   I’ve had such a fun afternoon with my ‘gorgeous, handsome, lovely coloured, young toyboy, golden retriever, boyfriend’!!!

PS – Ann says that she will always love me loads more than Ozzy!!!

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