Not achieved much today..

Up early, animals fed, bins put out (A's and ours), heating checked in I&S's.

Then down to Kylesku to move the furniture back in after their building works. Roads were snowy, but passable all the way, and got my first view of the nearly completed job. And very good it is too. Had the guided tour, and introductions to the new staff. All busy cleaning and unpacking stuff..

Then set of for the coast road to Drumbeg. This road is track, and not much used. The mile to the single track was clear, and once we turned off the main road, I could see we were going to have problems. The car gradually slowed, failing to get traction, and eventually stopped 100 yards from the junction. This stretch is uphill, and towing a trailer proved too much. When I'd stopped, with brake on, the car just slid backwards, and towards the ditch - just for a little bit. 

Got out and unhitched the trailer, and pushed it back to the junction, before reversing the car back.

Arranged to give it a go later. Phoned up to see what conditions were like at 1 o-clock, and we decided to leave it til 3 to give it plenty of time to improve.. Got on with a few jobs, potted up onion and shallot sets. This will give them chance to produce a good root system before I plant them out in better conditions when the soil is warmer and drier.. And when it's been ploughed and rotorvated.

Bottled a brew of beer, and watched the snow falling and settling again. Phoned the hotel and said I didn't think it was a goer today. (Did get a call at 6pm asking if I thought it was worth doing a quick trip!! Don't think so). It will wait for tomorrow, and daylight..

Some very sad news in the village today. RIP K.. Why do they always take the good ones?..

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