Double Trouble

By HannahSpanner

Sick me??

You must be mistaking me for my twin!

After waking up in a grump and moaning until Fireman Sam started E was back to more or less normal today. Still a bit worn out 2 hour nap and more or less straight to sleep tonight.

I on the other hand has conjunctivitis and has caught E's bug so has been a little miserable today but no where near as bad a E has been. I deals with it a bit better.

Both were shattered by bedtime I'm hoping E sleeps in his own bed for a little longer tonight we really need to work on getting him to stay in there all night. I think the side of the cot might be off soon so that I can lie next to him and as time passes slowly move to sitting by him then hopefully just being able to put him down and not stay there and him sleep all night there too.

I think this might be wishful thinking

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