one day in France

By Frenchtoast

Off to the vet today.

After a walk with Millie Spaniel and her mum, and another walking buddy, we took George & Millie to the vets for their yearly vaccinations. Millie also needed a rabies shot, which now seems to be necessary every year rather than every three years which has been the case up till now.
We were concerned by a lump the size of an egg which George seems to be growing in his groin, but the vet says this is just a fatty lump, and while we need to keep an eye on it, we shouldn't worry about it. The dogs don't mind having their injections, and pretty soon after we arrived George spotted a transparent container on the vet's desk containing dog biscuits! So he figured out what was about to happen and what his reward for being a good boy would be!
I spent the rest of the day painting window frames!

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