
By Angelique


Very busy at work today with lots of work coming in.  Because I had to go down to Williton on the way home to go to the chemists, I joined the main road instead of going home along the minor roads.  This is the view from the windscreen of my car as I drove.  You can see the view looking towards Minehead and to the left is the Brendon Hills.  They were covered with snow yesterday.

The people who viewed our house yesterday said although they loved the house, the garden is too small!  Oh well, they can obviously afford more money, and they will have to.  A house like ours with a bigger garden would be quite expensive!

Meanwhile one of the other viewers could be about to make us an offer!

The weeks are flying by.  Tuesday is our 'bin day' where we have to collect everything up and sort into 'piles'.  Where has the last 7 days gone?!

We have seen the sun today and if it wasn't for the horrible cold wind, it would have been pleasant.

Thankyou for your kind comments yesterday.  Sending love to you all xxx

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