Tooth Fairy

5years 133days 

Katie wanted to save the "leaving my tooth for the tooth fairy" until Grandad had seen her tooth. They came today, so today I made her tooth fairy pillow. Covered in fairies. She was suitably pleased with it when she saw it. She was excited to put her tooth in it and decided to sleep in her own bedroom as apparently that was the best place for tooth fairies finding. However, when it came to bedtime, she firstly decided that she was sleeping in my room then secondly said "So, is the tooth fairy a bit like Santa, Mummy? He's something we pretend about- it's fun, but he's not real and doesn't actually come". Sigh!! 

Our friends came round this morning. Katie and Lydia spent ages making paper planes, following instructions from one of Katie's school reading books. We drove to school as it was trying to snow. When I picked her up from school she was clutching a junk model "of magic Christmas soup, that when you eat it fills back up". I asked her about her day and she said she played number dominoes. And painted rockets. Lots of rockets "because the teacher said they all had to be finished today, so me & P & F did lots for everybody, not just us". I found lots of paint on the side and back of her skirt to verify that she had indeed been painting! I asked her if she'd been playing in the home corner. She told me that the home corner is now a space ship and an office. 

Her and Grandad played in the garden for a while, even though it had been snowing half an hour before they arrived. She read some of her book with him then finished it with me later. She then told me she needed to rest her eyes for a while. And was snoring within minutes. 

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