
By AnnieBurke1

Art Exhibition

Dad was working at the Marylebone campus today. I always pop up to his office on my lunch break to say Hello. Today, he had just come back from a little lunch time outing and told me about an Art Exhibition that was on at St. Marylebone Church down the road.

I popped out to have a wander round and have a look at it. The Church was filled with various pieces of art. Some of them actually quite creepy... as you walked in you were greeted by a crucified figure hanging above you.

This piece was my favourite. It's actually got a 3D effect, as this is created inside massive blocks of glass. I love how It has a definitely been modernised you could say, Jesus is covered in tattoos. But maybe the artist would prefer to cover him in tattoos representing the wounds and scars!

I thought it was the best art in there. It was something different to do on my lunch break any way!

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