Can I Canoe You up The Lake Please?

This is the first thing The Boss saw as we started our blander (Thats a blat and a wander)
(pronounced Blonder which has nothing to do with the colour of my curls…Right!)  also sounds a bit like Blender or as The Boss suggests Bender which is a bloke who works in a steel tube factory. 

Speaking Dog is a lot easier than Speaking “Boss”

Not much to bark about today except an extra walk while The Bossess visited the Vet which got a bit complicated and ended up with me being returned home as it was way to hot to stay in Suzz while the complication got resolved satisfactorily with an amazingly techie looking gadget that looked like a TV set but had really boring programs with mono landscapes with touches of red and blue. The Boss could not get a copy to Blip. Sigh!

I loved all the grreat comments from yesterday and NO I was NOT guilty of anything as I hadn't done it yet. Patience required The Boss says as  I can be relied on to do something eventually as it is on my job spec. Terrier. Thats the bit.

The Boss however is guilty as his management plan for The Bossess seems to need constant adjustment and does not include “Blip” time so please understand the silence.The Bossess IS however really enjoying you and is taking notice between reading squads of thick papers that I am not allowed anywhere near.


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