Molly's book

It was quite a blip-ish sort of day really - I got an email from a work colleague asking if I was by any chance Meles on Blipfoto, Mr H bumped into Scobes and the book compiled from Molly's blip journal turned up. Himself has done a beautiful job on it. Worth every penny. If you're interested in getting one, contact dogwithnobrain, who kindly furnished me with the details.

I was going to post the final page of the book, which features Molly's final blip, posted the day before she died - but it didn't come out very clearly; it's easier to point you at the actual blip . It features dear old Luigi (now also deceased) and the journal entry itself does pretty well as Molly's mission statement. She was interested in everything and had a great eye for beauty and strangeness. I never met her - I don't think many blippers did - but when I heard that she'd died I immediately thought of this poem, written by R.A.K.Mason. I still do.

After Death

And there will be just as rich fruits to cull
And jewels to see;
Nor shall the moon nor the sun be any more dull;
And there will be flowers as fine to pull,
And the rain will be as beautiful -
But not for me.

And there shall be no splendour gone from the vine,
Nor from the tree;
And still in the heavens shall glow Jah's radiant sign,
And the dancing sun on horses' sleek hides shall seem no less fine;
Still shall the car sweep along with as lovely a line -
But not for me.

And men shall cut no less curious things upon brass,
Still sweep the sea;
Nor no little, lustrous shadow upon the sand's mass
Cast by the lilting ripple above shall cease to pass,
And radiance still shall enhalo shadows on moonlit grass -

But not for me.

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