Live, love, laugh

By Rianka


I am back home.

I needed to remind myself of that, when I woke up this morning.
It feels so weird and so familiar at the same time, which makes it so strange.

This morning I went to my gymnastic class that I normally teach, to see how they were doing after three months.

In the afternoon my sister came by, with her boyfriend and little girl.
The little one was not quite sure who I was and if I was to be trusted. I think she needs some getting used to me. Just like I need to get used to the idea that China is on the other side of the world and that I am not there anymore.
I handed out the souvenirs I bought and I was so glad that everyone liked them. I bought this feather ball, called Jianzi in Chinese, for the boyfriend of my sister. We started playing with it in our backyard. After I accidently kicked it over our neighbor's fence, we decided to move to bigger grounds. We moved to the big field behind our house to practice kicking that Jianzi around, which is not that easy.

I had a lot of fun spending time with my family again.

At the end of the day, I was exhausted.

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