Came home a bit late this evening, because I had to take dad to a hospital appointment before going in to work. Missed the sunset.
I stopped off on the way home to take some pictures of the moon, which look quite good on the small screen of my camera, but when viewed on the computer, look less great - I needed to take a bit more time, position the car right, and use the "gorilla" attached to it! I arrived home to a well lit house, but when I shouted "hello, there was no answer! Then I heard the dog scratching at the door, and saw that W was out in the warehouse.
Couldn't resist the picture, which captured W and the moon - ironing is not just a woman's job! Last time I did the ironing, I did everything except W's shirts!
W has been feeling unwell with a sore throat and headache, but despite that, he has potted up some plants, organised some painting people and done some ironing. He then came in and made me a cup of coffee, opened a bottle of wine, and cooked dinner - aren't I lucky!
Edit: This blip has collected lots of comments. It illustrates really well my aim - that the picture should wherever possible have a story. I don't always succeed, but that is my underlying aim.
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