
By TonyG

Bring Me Sunshine

After yesterdays 'storm' a much brighter day today.  Still tired and out of sorts (working far too many hours) I escaped from work ...... for a meeting at Amy's school.  I say Amy's school, it's where she went although negotiations today should finally see some temporary alternative provision start soon.  The education system only seems to have round holes ..... if you don't have round children things get very tricky.  Next round of meetings will be to move towards a more permanent solution ..... not holding our breath on this one.

These sunny crocus are planted in great drifts on and around the St James's roundabout on the Norwich inner ring road.  I am not the first blipper to risk life and limb to bring you pictures from here .... see here.  Indeed the City has crocus planted all over the place and they are all looking good right now.  

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