Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Ruffled Feathers...

Today's choice was pretty easy because...
1)  I love limpkins and they are a bird that I won't see once I leave here, and
2)  I didn't take any other shots that "spoke" to me.

What I am happy about is having a bigger sensor again!  Yes, the rental D750 arrived this morning (thank you!)  I exercised great restraint in terms of finishing up my chores before I snapped Big Daddy on the D750 and took them out for a spin.  Unfortunately, I like this camera.  I say "unfortunately" because getting a new camera body isn't on my radar this year.  But, seriously, after a short trial run today, I do like it very much.  

It is a tad heavier than my D600, but it also has a lot of extra features that the D600 doesn't have.  I plan to enjoy the heck out of it for the next week.  Meanwhile, the D600 should be here sometime tomorrow.  

Depending on when UPS makes here it with the camera, Hubs and I may take a quick overnight trip to a surprise location.  Shhh, I can't divulge it just yet!  But I think it will yield me some unforgettable photos. And in the meanwhile, I may take a run down to Fort DeSoto in the morning - just to see what's happening, maybe check in with Big Red...

Thank you for the lovely comments, stars and hearts on my pair of herons yesterday.  I went back to check on them today and was surprised to find two more of the same species in the same tree.  I actually shouldn't have been surprised, as night herons (like most herons) tend to be nest in colonies.  Anyway, it was pretty neat to see more of them back up in the tree today.  

My two other favorite shots today are both on Flickr:
a new (for me) lizard - a brown headed skink
a lovely pied-billed grebe


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