Time to say goodbye

We packed a lot in to our last day in Beijing, including lunch with Sandy's mother, brother, his wife and two children. Unfortunately, Sandy's dad wasn't able to join us as he was in Sichuan visiting his father.

Jordan and Sandy love eggs and he has a supplier; a nearby farmer with free range chickens. We stopped in the morning and picked up about three dozen eggs. In addition to poultry and eggs, the farmer had a large orchard. It would have been nice to see in the summer.

After lunch we dropped by the community garden greenhouse, where Jordan and Sandy have a few plots that they share with their friends. In the summer, the greenhouse cover rolls back and a few more plots are available. It is nice that they are able to share in the work and the harvest with their friends. After watering the garden and picking some bok choi, we had to pack for our trip home.

We will miss Jordan and his family. Next time we see Annie she will be twice as big. Thank goodness for FaceTime.

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