
By Dollykgray

Derelict Tulips

I am getting a lot of mileage out of these tulips, as you do. They have now completely wilted and most of the petals are lying on the table. The word ”derelict” came to mind as it does these days since Blip. I had already taken some lovely rusty photos today for Derelict Thursday but thought I would blip these flowers before I threw them out. I had some nice images and went through the usual quandary of trying to decide which one I should publish then turned them all into mono. The images instantly lit up and reminded me of a photography book by a Japanese photographer, Yasuhiro Ishomoto, that I bought many years ago. I have often looked through it but hadn´t given it a thought since I joined Blipfofo. His mono, pre-digital images of decaying flowers are just gorgeous.

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