What's With The Hats?

I simply cannot bear to post yet another photograph of SNOW.  (Yes, once again, it's sifting down outside.)

So, in the spirit of "Throwback Thursday" I spent a little time perusing old family photographs again.  (This may become a weekly thing, who knows?)  I was struck by how many pictures there were of my sister and I sporting various forms of bizarre headgear.  What parents in their right minds would torture their two little angels by making them pose unhappily with plastic bags on their heads?  I well remember the little number with an animal face on the back.  It was bright red wool, and I wore it absolutely everywhere for quite some time.  Why my mother, sister, nanny, and myself are posed on and around a ladder dressed incredibly strangely is anyone's guess ... I do love our faithful dog Al flouting superstition by sitting under the ladder though!  And the last picture is pure glamour, wouldn't you say?  The National Health glasses, the missing teeth ... those were the days!

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