Happy holi

quieter than last year, morning spent getting lost on way to breakfast stall, 25 rupees for laccha paratha, channa and alu...but lack of traffic led me astray and ended up on odd circle before returning to feast...and the morning city quiet and empty we wandered around in natural colour, found a closed park, then transformation into red faced demon spawn and refused entry to coffee place leading to traumatic lack of caffeine...so odd a day, a ghost town around the ghetto, quiet; hours where the city seemed European, we wandering unhassled mostly along silent streets until back at Sudder Street happy holi and a festival of hugs awaited us, grinning happily in our mismatched spectrums from red to blue and a rather fetching pink...in fairness it's not as intense as varanasi and had a notable police presence but it's holi; absolutely my favourite festival.

hmm...otherwise my dog now bounds to me on a whistle and answers to the name scruffy...it's going to be a hard road on Monday, days speed by too quickly and momentum opposes the steps leading west...

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