my name is not Liz Imbrie

By LizImbrie

chair series - month 10

Managed to take the latest of the chair series photos this morning before Dexter went off to nursery.  I would add it to the blipfolio but it appears this is no longer available (please tell me if I'm wrong). (Added now!)I can't believe he's over 10 months already!
A strange day of work where both workshop leaders I was assistant to were both out of the building, leaving me to hold the fort. That doesn't normally throw me but given I've not been in the workshop since Friday, I was genuinely a bit lost as to what was going on!

Another allergic reaction at nursery - kiwi fruit.  He didn't actually eat any but hands and arms went all rashy as soon as he touched it. Ah well, another one to add to the list...

Sam had the best welcome home from Dexter this evening.  It was very sweet and extremely funny.

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