Anfora wine bar moulding
I spent most of the day teaching: two honours project supervisions between 09:00 and 10:00; my final year class between 10:00 and 15:30; and a PhD student from 16:00-16:45. In case you're wondering, the class is timetabled in two 2-hour slots, but I nearly always end up spending the lunch hour in the class room too because there is often someone who wants some extra help between the timetabled classes. We ran on a little today because the students had assessments to complete.
In the early evening I made start marking the assessed work that then final years completed between 13:00 and 15:00. I had hoped to get their feedback to them tonight, but I'll do so tomorrow instead.
I didn't quite get the marking finished because I had a date (of sorts) with nadinepierce in Leith this evening. We met at the Anfora wine bar in Leith at a networking event. I loved the mouldings in the bar, one of which I have blipped here.
Exercise today: one morning loop, sit-ups, weights, walk to work and walk from bar home again (1.5 hours).
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