
By DancingAly

Birthday Time!

It was a pretty disappointing day for a weekend- drizzly and damp.

I was up early, did my chores- the usual. I did manage to make it to Fired Earth to look at floor tiles, and came away with two samples. I think I may end up picking from these two as I'm too tired to continue the hunt!

In the early evening I headed off to Clapham to see T and co. I was a bit nervous as I haven't seen the family for a month, and I hadn't met his dad yet. When we went inside T's house, all four of them were curled up on the couch in a line, under a blanket watching a movie! And reassuringly so like us! 

We watched the movie and then the girls went to get ready to go out. We had planned to go to Five Guys and then the Dutch pub, as it is T's sister L's 25th birthday. They had been out all day, to the Sky Garden, Camden Market etc, and his parents were too tired to go back into the city, so we decided to go to Honest Burger in Clapham High Street. Unfortunately, it decided to bucket down with rain, and is was a rather windy and damp twenty-minute walk! It was too busy there, so we chose an Indian restaurant and had a nice meal there. We left it a bit late to go out after, so after we had birthday cake at the restaurant we decided to go home.

We all got changed into our T's sweatpants, and sat down to watch a horror movie. It's not really my thing, and I fell asleep for most of it, waking up as the credits rolled :-/ 

It was a lovely evening, and I love seeing how T interacts with his sisters. It reminds me of mine, although I think they get on better than us ;-) !

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