
By LuceoNonUro


My boy running off to play with his friends in Kelvingrove park. I've titled it in Gaelic because I like one-word titles and this word is more apt than any English ones I can think of.
(It means to hurry or rush towards something)

What a lovely day!
Today's school induction malarkey was a waste of time as I feared - it was so hot there were little ones crying all the way through and the content was superfluous. This in no way reflects my feelings about the actual school - the school is great. It's all the meaningless government-led initiatives and health and safety etc. that drive me mad.
Thankfully it only lasted two hours this time.

Afterwards we all had to hang around for 3 hours til it was time to drop the kids off at afternoon nursery. So we went to the park.
It was really nice to sit and have lunch together with the other parents in the sunshine; we usually only see each other for 2 minutes during drop offs and pick ups.

It was really really hot though - by the time I picked Felix up at half three he was absolutely done in. All the kids were just lying prone on the nursery floor, with little cups of water next to them and with the curtains drawn.
I don't think their Scottish acclimatization has prepared them for running around all day in 28 degree heat.


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