
By BacardiBev

Athens Day Eleven

The Church of the Holy Apostles

The church of the holy apostles stands within the boundaries of the Ancient Agora here in Athens. At one time there were over thirty churches on the site.Though several churches were removed in the clearing of the site for excavation, it was decided to save and restore the little Byzantine church dedicated to the Holy Apostles. The church, with an unusual tetraconch interior plan and decorative tilework on the exterior, is among the oldest in Athens, probably to be dated just before A.D. 1000. It was surely the focal point of an extensive neighborhood in the Byzantine period, the remains of which were recorded and removed in the course of the excavations. The eastern half of the church was relatively untouched, but several additions, the latest dating to the late 19th century, had damaged and obscured the western end. After excavation, these later additions were removed and the church restored to its original form. The festival of the Twelve Apostles is still celebrated at the church every June 30th.


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