Grab Bag

Our witch hazel is about partied out, as is evident in today's blip.

Local Giant Pacific Octopuses , however, are going strong! I regret that these fascinating videos showing the release into Puget Sound of Hazel and Franklin, two of Seattle Aquarium's Giant Pacific Octopuses, are on Fox. Just ignore everything else on the page and enjoy the conversation between the diver accompanying each octopus and the newscaster. (If you're completely Fox-adverse, you can see Hazel's release on the aquarium's website here.)

A fascinating report on menopausal killer whales is well worth a read!  
-- In only three known species -- humans, killer whales, and short-finned pilot whales -- do females live long beyond their reproductive years. Female killer whales "stop giving birth by about age 40, but can live into their 90s" -- much longer than the males.
-- The study found that menopausal killer whales are more likely to lead their group and are even more likely to be leaders when food sources are low, using the experience gained over their long lifetimes. 

(P.S. Phil's superb photo of kayakers on Lake Padden is in the "Popular" stream -- don't miss it!)

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