twinned with trumpton


A day of wading through molasses (or so it felt)

Boys were up at 6.30, I struggled to go wit them; but we made school in spite of angst about Dress as a Book Character day. Streaker (the name of a dog, not what he did...) was the obvious choice even though no one else got it.

A quick trawl around Leafy Asda and a quiet morning in with Zander.

After lunch we went hunting Cigs (successfully! - the power of bribery or reward based capitalist enterprise depending on your cynicism), played in the park and bought intimate apparel.

Picked up G from her party; then all back to hers for dinner;

Buzzer went at 1830; it's Ray with bike lock keys! He looked stunned to see me there - oh well. Eventually she arrived back; set up work station and we were home for a sprint through bed time.

The most Bridget Riley-esque shot in ages; the goals on the football pitch at Dalmeny St Park

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