Littlemouse Adventures

By LitlemouseLilly

Mr Carrot

Ferd stole the carrot from Magics hutch but as Magic didnt seem to be interested in it we have let Ferd keep it.

Its too hot. I wanted sunshine and warm but I guess there were far too many voices asking for sunshine and hot.

It makes me poorly :( spent most of yesterday in bed.

We have a vet filled few days - starting with an emergency trip with Uli on Wednesday - he was trying to cough something up and he was screaming never heard a noise like it from a cat (I've grown up with lots of cats) I thought that he had something stuck. Vet has said that there is nothing in his airway that he can see, lungs sound clear, heart ok, no temperature. Could just be he tried to cough something up and it went back down. Now he seems fine and is stomping about in a strop because its hot.

Magic went in for a general check up and jabs - all new family members go to the vets for a general check up once they've settled (we're thinking that we might just declare ourselves an animal sanctuary)

Kirk went in for his annual boosters and I asked if they could check if he has been done. Well the verdict was one of 3 options:
1) yes he is a castrated male
2) he is male but they have never dropped
3) he could in fact be a girl
Poor kirk had no end of people looking at his bits.
The poor vet blushed (young girl) with a suggestion of trying to get a definitive answer of waiting for Kirk to be well doing naughty things and pull him off to see if we can see his little winky (ok vet said willy).

And then there was the trip to various places to try and find a parasol base OMG do they need to cost sooooo much. Ended up in ikea and brought a new parasol and base for about £12 - it was for the rabbits to help keep them cool. Have some ice pods on order.

Now I am thinking about reverting back to vampiric state and go to sleep for the rest of the day

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