Playing a sad song

This morning Marie and I went into town, we were going to go to Oamaru or Dunedin to do street photography, but a malfunction put Marie off. There was a Protest on in town and they had a huge turnout at one stage they had about 70 in reality thats about 20% more than the number who turned up. We saw about a  dozen protesters saying NO to the TPPA. The protesters were crossing with the lights and this man was playing the Trombone Badly as the protesters crossed the street waving their placards and chanting their chants. At the end they decided to go down to the local MP's office and protest there and take photo's and make their feeling known to her, that was something I could not understand,they would have been better standing outside her house 1km away where she was at home rather than an office which is empty.
TPPA this is being done in secret by our Prime Minister ??????? 

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