The Red Lichtie

By kaz125

Mucky Pups

Decided against going to the beach for our lunchtime walk today, as we drove through town the waves were crashing over the breakwater with still over 2 hours to go until high tide. It was also starting to spit with  rain so we decided we would have a short walk along the Elliot nature trail as we hadn't been there for ages.
We walked along to the start of the fields where we normally turn back but because the weather was still fairly mild and there were no cows in the fields we carried on for a bit longer. There were a couple of geocaches along the trail which we hadn't found before so we did both of them before turning back. The wind was getting noticably stronger by the time we got back to the section we normally walk along so we headed back for home after picking up a couple of bridies for lunch.

Not used to seeing the dogs as mucky as this (they re normally covered in sand rather than mud) but they obviously managed to find every dub along the way. We did stop off at their normal swimming spot near the end of the trail so they were back to normalish by the time we got to the car.

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