Life is a Minestrone !!

By bererunner

The Acropolis

No clear skies this morning, woke up at around 4-30 and set out for Phiopappos Hill with the intention of getting this shot.

We’re lucky to be able to see the Acropolis from our hotel  balcony, it’s located at the opposite end of the Acropolis to this shot, and is considerably lower than the vantage point I found here on the Hill.

The city’s traffic flows 24hours a day past the hotel, so there’s always a hum in the hotel room unless it’s someone on a motorbike or scooter who’s trying to out drag someone away from the traffic lights, then it sounds like there a screaming cat with you in the room.

Here on the hill, which is only a twenty minute walk from the hotel, all i can hear is the dawn chorus, birds everwhere......beautiful.

The cloud cover was really thick and really very low, reflecting the light from the city below, giving the clouds a reddish tint. The lights around the Acropolis currently come on at 6-30pm and stay on until a little after 7am the following day.

Earlier in the week i published a shot of the Acropolis taken from St Georges Chapel up on Lycabetus Hill, which can be seen at the far right of this shot. I think i much prefer this shot.

Below the Acropolis and to the left is The Odeon of Herodes, while the buildings on the Acropolis are, left to right, The Temple of Athena Nike, The Erechtheon and the Parthenon.

Tomorrow is our last day here in Athens and i have one last image i’d like to get, so it’ll be a taxi ride out to Piraeus.

So until tomorrow, stay safe........



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