Traffic and tranquillity

Plans to get away early so HH could wake up in the hills on his birthday failed as usual, so we sat in Friday evening traffic and took an hour to cover a distance that would have taken 20 minutes tomorrow. The upside was getting a few shots through the car window while we were stationary. The cyclist also paused for a shot.
The whole journey took 4 hours, instead of 2 ½ - and plans for a snack en route in lieu of lunch turned into dinner at 8pm. Ah well, we made it in the end.
No signs of a recession in the restaurant – it was large and crammed. Our mixed grill for two was so massive that we came away with enough to feed us for days (whoopee, cooking’s not my favourite activity). I was fascinated, during dinner, by a middle-aged woman at the table opposite. With her dark hair and eyebrows, strong features and expressive face, she was very striking. I told HH I was tempted to go over and ask if I could take some portraits of her one day. We both agreed that I wouldn’t do it – too embarrassing, too intrusive, altogether too…. So of course, as we headed for the exit I went straight over and asked her (HH made himself scarce). I think the whole table was somewhat bemused by the request, but she seemed amused and quite flattered (I even thought the woman next to her might have liked to be asked too). Anyway, she graciously gave me her name and phone number, and maybe one day I will pluck up the courage to follow it up. I’d better start thinking about backdrops and lighting. This could be complicated.

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