Beachlands Nickaz

By Beachlander

Always talking

Even the Youngest struggles to get a word in with this talkative guy.  He's now in the final 60g until he is ready to return to the SPCA, although we'll wait until his siblings catch up before we do take him.

Lots of jobs around home to be done today, and a visit from my brother and family this afternoon.  My nephew has a "Make a Wish" coming up in a couple of weeks, and he had his itinerary plus a cake presented to him yesterday.  My brother brought some cake out so that he didn't have all of it at his place, as it was a monster.  My nephew has recently had his port out, so hopefully cancer is not a word that he has to contend with ever again.

Breathing before the week ahead.  The Husband has gone to play football, so it's just us gals sorting out the bits and pieces in the hope that we're on the ball.  Yeah, I know...optimistically unrealistic.  One day.

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