Murray River and river red gum

Travelled another 500 k today down from Hay to Natimuk in Western Victoria. We are now camped in a paddock with about 20 others doing this course with us. It is a course in Straw Bale housing. The presenter is a chap from the U.S. and so far the others we have met are from other states in Aus.

The road took us through more flat country, and the only hills seen were the Grampians and Mount Arapiles. There was a lot of irrigation, cotton and fruit trees and extensive paddocks of wheat ( stubble from last year). We crossed the Murray and this pic is of the bridge and one of the trees. It was in the middle of the photo so I cut a bit off the side....
Passed some towns with funny names...Devils Gate, Goodnight, and some I can't pronounce. We were stopped to be breathalysed in a tiny town in the middle of nowhere ( yes passed) where the only person was the police woman who pulled us up in the middle of the road as there was no one else around.

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