Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Edinburgh Garden Partners

We headed out to the Farmer's Market early this morning so that I could get across town to the Edinburgh Garden Partners plant and cake sale. The porridge stand wasn't there (much disappointment for The Boy), the pizza people weren't there (disappointment for me) but everyone else seemed to have planned an early trip too so at least we saw friends.

The plant sale was good. I caught up with M who originally matched me with my garden but has since left the role. It was nice to fill her in on how work was progressing with it as it really was a mess when I took it on. I should have got her email address to pass on some recent pictures. I didn't plan on actually buying any plants but I ended up with some oregano, some trays of bedding plants and this. I don't know what it is but it was pretty.

They've currently got a vacancy for a Volunteer Development Worker to expand the scheme city wide. It would be a fantastic job, the charity is brilliant and I love what they do. My garden has given me so much happiness so it'd be great to help others experience that too by helping continue the scheme. Now I just need to pluck up the courage to apply, remembering there's nothing lost if I didn't get it.

Afterwards I popped in to see my old flatmate J. She's recently had some major surgery so it was good to see that she was coping ok.

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