
By HowWonderful

Today I turned eight months old.

Eight months old today!
It's been a big month of developments for me. I have absolutely mastered crawling forwards and can go very fast! I am standing up as much as possible and can even balance by myself for a few moments. I love to climb on anything I can...the kitchen drawer handles are perfect climbing steps! Mummy and Daddy have put up baby gates and locks now which has spoilt my fun a little bit. I love to toddle along holding on to my walker, it won't be long until I've mastered walking too!

I am 'speaking' much more now and often Mummy says it sounds like I am having a conversation with myself. My favourite sound this month is "bra-bra-bra".

I love to swim! I go to lessons every week with Mummy and I am getting very good at jumping in on my own now. I can even climb out all by myself too.

I am eating three meals a day, and love to feed myself as much as I can. I'm pretty good with a spoon but using my fingers is my preferred method.

It's been a fun month. My favourite part was when Great-Aunty-Janet and Great-Uncle-Lawson came to stay with us. I miss my family very much and can't wait to see them all when I go home next month!

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