
By teribirch

New Beginnings

This little lupin leaf has just appeared (with its colleagues) in my pink and purple herbaceous border. I'm working in there at the moment - deep weeding with the trowel on my hands and knees. It's just a brown patch 50' long by about 9' deep at the moment but I was really encouraged to see the lupins pushing their way up to the light. It's always miraculous when that happens.
Today was a produce day so I weeded and raked the strawberry bed and tipped two wheelbarrows of garden compost onto the bed. Had an intense conversation with CH about making more of our own compost because it looked really good. Also cut back the autumn fruiting raspberry and cleared the protective layer from the rhubarb plant.
Came in for tea time treats at 430 and for the first time this year went back out again till 6 pm. I did some repotting and greenhouse tidying. Great to get more things done but I'll miss that quiet hour after tea.

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