An afternoon of naughtiness??!!

This afternoon we went to Gwithian Beach.  Gwithian Beach is fabulous.  There’s 3 miles of golden sand and Ann said we could walk all the way along the beach and then walk back via the dunes.  She wanted to keep Ozzy (my very gorgeous golden retriever boyfriend, who has been staying with us) clean because we were dropping him home after our walk.  And she said if we were still in ‘energetic mode’ after walking all the way along the beach we could do ‘bunny chasing’ on the dunes.

We dropped Ozzy home clean,  OK he was a bit wet & sandy but at least he was clean and Ann reported back to his owners that he had been a very good boy.  Do I really want a ‘very good boy’ as a boyfriend?

I was NOT a very good little collie on my walk this afternoon………………

……….First I chased a windsurfer, then I chased a sea surfer, then I chased a horse…………  And then, when we started walking back across the dunes, I did the naughtiest thing of all…………….

Do you want to know what I did?..................................

……………….I rolled in badger poo!!!

Ann didn’t actually see me rolling in badger poo, but the minute I ran past her she smelt me and saw orange stuff all over my neck.  She went MAD at me and was very, very angry!!!

She said, Molly, we will have to go back onto the beach so that you can clean yourself up in the sea.  Well, I tried wallowing in the sea but that didn’t work and when I got back into the car I was still very, very stinky.

When we got home I had to have a bath.  And do you know what Ann bathed me in??........................  Not the normal nice coconut smelling shampoo that she normally bathes me in……………  No?!!!  This evening I got bathed in ‘tomato sauce’?!!  Yes you have read this correctly.  I had tomato sauce smothered all over me.  Don’t even ask how this works because we don’t know, but apparently it’s good for skunk poo too??!!  Being bathed in tomato sauce is quite nice.  I tried to lick if off because it was very tasty, but that just made Ann even madder.  She said, 'Molly, I haven't a clue how this tomato sauce thing works but I need you to sit still for a couple of mins and then I'll wash it off.'

................And now Ann and her friend, Fiona, (who is staying with us), are having to drink Prosecco because they need a reward for sitting in a car with a VERY, VERY, VERY, STINKY COLLIE!!!
I've had a lovely afternoon!!!

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