Definitely Visible

By allieballie

Fleeing Frog

I went to St Andrews with Jean today and tried a couple of very short walks to see if my (damned) sciatica was up to it. Ironically one of the walks we did was along Lumbo Den - ironic because it's my lumbar region which is giving me all this gip right now. However, my back felt brilliant after this morning's exercise - not sore at all. It'll be some time though before I stop feeling tentative about making different movements.  On our way back to Ceres Jean took me to this sort of secret garden and on our way round we spotted an enormous fat frog. I managed to get down really close to it as it sat still and I took some photos, then all of a sudden it leapt up and away just as I was taking another photo of it. When I looked at the photos later on I had lots of perfect ones of the frog but I actually liked this one where it's jumping away in blurriness.

After that we went for lunch in the tearoom at the Fife Folk Museum in Ceres. where we both had roast beef stovies and I had Earl Grey made from leaf tea and served in a china cup. It made me remember the days when I was little and my Granny would come round on a Saturday night and my Mum would make tea using leaves then I would "read" them afterwards. When I say "read"  I would just say what I thought I saw in them and my Mum and Granny would then try to interpret what it could mean.  I looked inside my teapot today and I saw a scarecrow. I reckon that referred to the state of me sitting in the tearoom in my mud caked boots and mud splattered breeks!

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