Living in Manchester

By Theboysmum

A trail of light

Such a beautiful summer day!

#2boy was off to Leeds for the music festival just for the day. (no camping over this year)
#3boy went into Manchester with his mates to watch a film, get some eats and 'chill'

Food shopping, washing, etc.
Went over to see my friend Gloria this morning. we drank tea and talked.
That's mostly what Gloria and I do when we see each other :-))

This afternoon I cycled over to see Jeff before he had to get ready for work.
Drank more tea and did more talking. I run mostly on tea :-)

This young swan heading out on it's own made me think of the boys now increasingly doing their own thing.
I miss the days when they were young and we did so much together.
My babies are growing up!

#2 son got to Leeds, put his new iphone in his pocket as he got out of the car, it fell to the floor and the screen smashed!
How do I know??
Because the first thing he did was to phone his Mum!!

"Muuuumm guess what just happened???"

He is 20 on Monday.

Some things never change :-))

Now for a BBQ tea for me and #3boy.

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