Capturing my Journey

By thedoglady

Entrance and Exit

This is my entrances and exits mono Monday for the challenge this week. This is the gate that marks the start of our farm and of course its the way we enter and exit the farm. The dogs left to right Breagh, Bud, Pip, Rusty, Cuillin, Dris, Moss, Shaw and Duke wondering why I have gone through the gate without them!!

Its a wild wild day today. The wind was south easterly this morning and was blowing at 30 mph with wilder gusts. Just an hour or so ago it has shifted southerly and is much stronger and much wilder. Thought I had better get my blip done before we loose power. Bit worried as one of our sheds has a sheet of tin lifting and im hoping we wont loose it tonight. Sent a message to my caravan dwelling friend telling her she had better bail down here as it looked to be wild she seemed non plussed until she looked at the forecast and it started picking up again so looks like we will have a lodger for the night!

Our main concern at the moment is the tractor is still not fixed and the cows have finished their bales today. Looks like we will need to phone round to borrow machinery to put the bales out.

Increased from 4c to 9c SE veering SW gale force winds with mighty gusts. (yes that's the technical term!!!!) Put it this way I could barely make headway and was sometimes going backwards when walking into the wind and it is sooo loud. What we in Scotland call "blowing a hooley!"

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